Microsoft previews next release of Windows Phone
Microsoft previewed the next release of Windows Phone, codenamed "Mango" that will include over 500 new features. Emphasis is on easier connecting and sharing, smarter apps, and viewing the Web in a more localized way. The upgrade will be free to current Phone 7 users once the new rev becomes available this fall. The press release is a bit vague, but there's more information in the Windows Phone blog. -- Posted Tuesday, May 24, 2011 by chb
Unitech's PA600 joins AppSource
The Unitech PA600 handheld computer has been certified on AppSource, ScanSource's new online store that gives resellers access to mobile data collection applications that work on an assortment of mobile devices. AppSource gives Unitech’s resellers an easier way to implement software and hardware so that they can provide end-users with a succinct, out-of the-box solution. -- Posted Friday, May 13, 2011 by chb
Unitech adds a rugged smartphone/PDA: PA550With smartphones taking over, there's an increasing need for industrial, ruggedized versions, and we've seen various interpretations of the theme over the past year. Unitech recently joined the fray with their new PA550 industrial PDA/phone all-in-one. Impressively powered by the 806MHz Marvell PXA320 and running Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Pro, the PA550 has a comprehensive QWERTY thumb-type keyboard, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3.5G wireless broadband, GPS, a laser scanner, and a 5-mepagpixel AF camera that can do MPEG4 full VGA video. [See description and specs of the Unitech PA550] -- Posted Thursday, May 12, 2011 by chb
Full review: Juniper Systems' unique Mesa rugged notepadJuniper Systems of Logan, Utah, calls their new Mesa the "world's first rugged notepad," a device designed to offer the advantages of both a Tablet PC and a rugged handheld, but without the disadvantages of either category. We reviewed the Juniper Mesa in detail and found it to be a class-busting much larger handheld that brings Windows Mobile simplicity, instant-on, speed and battery life to a satisfyingly large 5.7-inch touch screen. Windows Mobile has never looked so good. [Read full review of the Juniper Systems Mesa rugged notepad] -- Posted Wednesday, May 4, 2011 by chb