Added: Datalogic Falcon X3+The Datalogic Falcon is a rugged, conventional flashlight-style Windows CE/Windows Embedded Handheld-based real-time data capture handheld that has recently been upgraded to Falcon X3+ status. The latest version includes a faster processor, more storage, faster WiFi, better sealing, a higher capacity battery, a higher resolution display for WEHH versions, and also a wider selection of 1D scanners or 1D/2D imagers. [See description, analysis and specs of the Datalogic Falcon X3+] -- Posted Sunday, January 18, 2015 by chb
Added: Opticon H-32While consumer smartphones charge ahead at a breathtaking pace, much of the work back in the trenches continues to be done by "legacy" handhelds based on comparatively basic technology. Opticon released such a workhorse tool with its H-32, a no-nonsense handheld for all those unheralded warehousing and inventory managing tasks. [See description, analysis and specs of the Opticon H-32] -- Posted Friday, January 16, 2015 by chb
Juniper Systems’ Class I, II, & III, Division 2 Archer 2 for hazardous locations now shippingJuniper Systems' Archer 2 rugged handheld for hazardous locations is now shipping. The Archer 2 Hazloc with its 4.3-inch procap display and 20+ hours of runtime is certified Class I, II, & III, Division 2 for areas where flammable gases, liquids, vapors, dusts, or fibers and flyings may be present. [See Juniper press release and Archer 2 HazLoc PDF brochure] -- Posted Monday, January 12, 2015 by chb
Datalogic presents new retail technology at NRF 2015
At NRF in New York, Datalogic demonstrated the Magellan multi-plane advanced imaging scanner/scales, the Jade Automated Scanner, their new Joya X2 self-shopping device, the Falcon X3+ and Memor X3 mobile computers, as well as the Heron handheld imager. "Datalogic brought bar code technology to the retail checkout over 40 years ago revolutionizing the checkout process and solidifying Datalogic as a worldwide leader in data capture technology," stated Bill Parnell, CEO and President of Datalogic ADC. -- Posted Monday, January 12, 2015 by chb