November 2017

Case study: Fast, discreet radiation monitoring with Handheld Group's NAUTIZ X8 ultra-rugged mobile computer
Radiation is a naturally occurring process harnessed into many helpful applications, from medical imaging to food preservation to cancer treatment. But exposure can be very harmful to the human body. Hundreds of Handheld Group's rugged Nautiz X8 handhelds are currently deployed as part of the AT6101C backpack-style mobile spectrometer from Belarus-based ATOMTEX. These solutions are used to halt illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials at customs and border crossings, ensure radiation control at public events, and monitor many other worksites including nuclear facilities, building sites and scientific research environments. [Read Fast, discreet radiation monitoring — inconspicuous NAUTIZ X8 makes it easy] -- Posted Thursday, November 16, 2017 by chb

The Juniper Systems Geode sub-meter GPS receiver put to the test under dense forest tree canopy
For most of us, most of the time it's better to be approximately right than completely wrong. That, however, doesn't apply to surveyors and other GIS professionals for whom to be "approximately right" simply isn't good enough. That's where sub-meter GPS receivers like Juniper System's Geode come into play. A recent entry in Juniper's ever interesting Get Rugged blog describes how the Geode was put to the test under a dense forest tree canopy. [See The Geode sub-meter GPS Receiver put to the test under a dense forest tree canopy] -- Posted Thursday, November 16, 2017 by chb